Key Technologies for Autonomous Robotic Surgery
Tutorial / Workshop - ICAR 2019 - Belo Horizonte
Format : Half day tutorial - half day workshop
Organisers : Paolo Fiorini, Leonardo Mattos, Emmanuel Vander Poorten
Abstract : This tutorial / workshop aims at introducing the main concepts of robotic surgery and to discuss the emerging field of autonomous robotic surgery (ARS). The addition of autonomy to robotic surgery involves the integration of complex mechatronic systems with advanced perceptual and reasoning capabilities that require detailed models and accurate control. Examples of cognitive features are surgical task analysis, situation awareness, and automatic task execution. This tutorial will be organized in five sections: (i) basic concepts of design and (ii) control of a surgical robot, (iii) advanced surgical robotic systems, (iv) surgeon-robot interfaces, and (v) issues related to task modeling and integration of perception and reasoning into the robot control loop. Advances in these areas have been pursued during recent European projects such as ISUR (Intelligent Surgical Robot), ARS and CASCADE (Cognitive AutonomouS CAtheter operating in Dynamic Environments) and ATLAS (Joint doctoral program in autonomous intraluminal surgery). Specific solutions will be presented during the tutorial and put in the broader ARS context. The main advantages and challenges of using cognition in such difficult application will be highlighted. During the workshop contributions from interested parties will be presented and analysed. The discussion will help shape the future research directions in this promising field.
Overall idea
The first half of the day will be organized as a tutorial. The second half day is an open workshop open to contributions by the scientific and medical community. Contributors will present their work via an oral and/or poster presentation. Through a panel discussion the different contributions will be discussed, points of attention raised and directions for future research sketched. A position statement will be distillated as a result of these interactions.
Call for Abstracts
Short abstracts can be submitted for oral and/or poster presentations. Please find an appropriate template here. The timeline for contributions is as follows:
- Abstracts due: 20 November 2019
- Notification of acceptance: 26 November 2019
The workshop is sponsored by IEEE-RAS, ARS, ATLAS and IIT. A best poster/presentation award (valued at 500EUR) will be awarded to the best contribution (poster/presentation) sponsored by the ATLAS project.
Detailed agenda
9.00 - 9.15 | P. Fiorini - A brief history of surgical robotics: early steps, current situation, future trends. |
9.15 - 10.00 | E. Vander Poorten - Key technology in design and control of surgical robots: actuation, sensing, flexible systems, haptics and shared control. |
10.00 - 10.45 | L. Mattos - Perception and actuation in the surgical field: sensors, vision, augmented reality, teleoperation and task autonomy. |
10.45 - 11.30 | P. Fiorini - Control of cognitive robots: knowledge engineering, task modeling, hybrid task control. |
11.30 - 12.30 | Poster Teasers |
12.30 - 13.30 | Lunch break and Interactive Poster Session |
13.30 - 15.30 | Presentation and Talks |
15.30 - 16.00 | Break & Best Poster Award |
16.00 - 17.00 | Interactive Session, Position Statement |
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