Fernando Gonzalez Herrera


Project: ESR 14

Automatic endoscope repositioning

with respect to the surgical task

ICube - AVR,

UMR 7357,

IHU Strasbourg,

1 Place de l'Hôpital,

67000 Strasbourg

+33 06 71 08 56 55


Fernando Gonzalez Herrera joins the ATLAS ITN project ESR14. Born in México, with a bachelor on Mechatronics at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and an intership on the Tele-Medice departement of the state Health office. A masters on Software Engineering at the Center for Mathematical Research, exploring software solutions for interaction devices developing novel and ad-hoc algorithms with an short-research stay at University of Glasgow.

He always had interest on the medical applications of both software and hardware to enhance quality of life. His background on mechatronics, robotics and heuristics provides him with vision to propose novel solutions taking into account different research areas.

Interested in

Journal club: Bowyer et al 2013.

By Fernando Gonzalez Herrera | April 2, 2021

Bowyer et at. presents a review of active constrains in a generalized active constraint implementation framework; by defining, evaluating and enforcing these constraints. Geometry based definitions can simple as single point, and more complex e.g. a parametric 3D surface. The evaluation is made by computing metrics to and from the active constraint, to the constrained…