Guiqiu Liao


ICube s/c IHU

1 place de l'Hopital

67091 Strasbourg

+33 0622131927


Guiqiu received his bachelor’s degree in Measurement & control Science and Technology from the Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, where he built his first intelligent car and aerial robot. Then he did his 3 years of Master’s study related to indoor aerial robot navigation and applying UAV to bridge crack diagnosing at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, under the supervision of Prof. Jiankang Zhao. In the last year of his Master’s study, he participated in developing an X-ray image detection system based on deep learning at Eastimage Equipment Co., Ltd, Shanghai, as a computer vision algorithm engineer intern.
Guiqiu is currently a joint Ph.D. researcher in the direction of surgical robotics at ICUBE Laboratory, the University of Strasbourg and ALTAIR Robotics Laboratory, the University of Verona, under the Marie Curie Ph.D. training network of ATLAS project.

Interested in

Journal club: Dawei L. et al, 2019

By Guiqiu Liao | April 15, 2020

Parallel deep neural networks for endoscopic OCT image segmentation DAWEI LI| JIMIN WU| YUFAN HE|XINWEN YAO| WU YUAN|DEFU CHEN|HYEON-CHEOL PARK| SHAOYONG YU| JERRY L.PRINCE|XINGDE LI Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 1126-1135(2019) DOI: This article reports parallel-trained deep neural networks for automated endoscopic OCT image segmentation feasible even with a limited training…