Luca Sestini
Luca received his Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. He continued with his Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano with a focus on Machine Learning and Computer Vision. He wrote his Master Thesis at the NearLab in Politecnico di Milano, under the guidance of Prof. Elena De Momi, investigating the possibility to use a Reinforcement Learning approach for surgical path planning of flexible catheters in key-hole neurosurgery context.
Luca is currently at CAMMA research group at the University of Strasbourg, for a joint Ph. D. along with Politecnico di Milano, as Early Stage Researcher with the Marie Curie ATLAS project under European Union Innovative Training Network.
Capita Selecta #4 – The DEAM adventure: what it takes to bring an octopus into the operating theater
Jules Scheltes, CTO, CMO and Quality Manager of DEAM, will give a talk about his experience on the field of steerable medical devices, and how to bridge the gap between academic research and translation into the operating theater. Abstract: medical steerable devices provide maximum freedom in the surgical area, increasing surgeons dexterity and minimizing their…
Journal club: Wu S. et al, 2019
Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objectsfrom Images in the Wild SHANGZHE WU | CHRISTIAN RUPPRECHT | ANDREA VEDALDI Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2020. p. 1-10. DOI: This paper was presented at CVPR 2020 where it got the award for best paper. The problem tackled is…