

European Joint doctoral program in autonomous intraluminal surgery.

Automatic Segmentation and Labeling

Courtesy of Polytechnic of Milan

Snake-like surgical instrument for endo-nasal skull base surgery

Sigma Tip

Multi-steerable catheter for complex procedures inside the heart

Multi-steerable catheter for complex procedures inside the heart

About Us

ATLAS is a Marie Curie European Joint Doctorate school (813782) that targets the training of experts in a very specific branch of Robotic Surgery.

ATLAS stands for “AuTonomous intraLuminAl Surgery”. Intraluminal navigation, a particularly challenging branch,  reappears in many minimal invasive surgical (MIS) interventions that rely on steering flexible instruments through fragile lumens or vessels.

The project, coordinated by the University of Leuven, is implemented by a consortium of seven Universities and many industrial partners.

Project Objectives

The project will develop smart flexible robots that autonomously propel through complex deformable tubular structures. This calls for seamless integration of sensors, actuators, modelling and control. By engaging in this ambitious research topic, participants will be exposed to all aspects of robotics.

While contributing to the state of the art, they will become proficient in building, modelling, testing, interfacing in short in integrating basic building blocks into systems that display sophisticated behavior.

HSMR2023 Workshop: Autonomous flexible surgical robots: where we are and where we are going

By AmeyaPore | July 7, 2023

Introduction The development of flexible surgical instruments is taking Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) to hard or previously inaccessible anatomical areas using natural orifices or through small incisions. However, reliable and precise control of flexible tools remains a major challenge due to non-ergonomic design, non-intuitive steering and lack of shape sensing and visualisation technologies. Robotic approaches…

Capita Selecta #7 – AI and the future of surgical education

By Beatriz Farola Barata | February 15, 2022

As part of the sixth Capita Selecta activity, on Thurday February 17th 2022 from 12:00 to 13:00, Dr. Domenico Veneziano will give a seminar talk to the ATLAS community titled ‘AI and the future of surgical education’. Join us online at: https://meet.google.com/czz-yssw-xys Bio: Urologist, an international key opinion leader in the field of surgical simulation and…

Journal club: Dupont et al, 2020.

By FinocchiaroMartina | February 2, 2022

A decade retrospective of medical robotics research from 2010 to 2020 Pierre E. Dupont, Bradley J. Nelson, Michael Goldfarb, Blake Hannaford, Arianna Menciassi, Marcia K. O’Malley, Nabil Simaan, Pietro Valdastri, Guang-Zhong Yang Science Robotics 2021; Vol 6, Issue 60 DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abi8017 In the last thirty years, publications on the medical robotics area have grown exponentially, from less than 10…

Capita Selecta #6 – Surgical Robotics trends and novel applications: SYMANI a Robot for Microsurgery

By Sanat Ramesh | December 1, 2021

As part of the sixth Capita Selecta activity, on Friday November 26th 2021 from 5PM to 6PM, Dr. Massimiliano Simi gave a seminar to the ATLAS community titled ‘Surgical Robotics trends and novel applications: SYMANI a Robot for Microsurgery’. In his inspiring talk, Dr. Simi gave an overview about the robotic platforms commercially available for…

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Celestijnenlaan 300
B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven)